May 15, 2012

Mercurial repository migration

Can be used to move a folder from one repository into its own repository. E.g.:
hg convert --filemap migrationMap "C:\Dev" "c:\src\MyProject"


migrationMap is a file with:
include MyProject
rename MyProject .

May 8, 2012

Earthlings movie / Фильм Земляне

Certificate access permissions

In Windows Resource Kit there is a utility winhttpcertcfg.exe.

List certificate key permissions:
winhttpcertcfg.exe -l -c LOCAL_MACHINE\My -s ""


Grant permissions to a certificate key:
winhttpcertcfg.exe -g -c LOCAL_MACHINE\My -s "" -a WindowsAccount


Grant account permissions to run as a Windows service:
Logon as service policy


Grant account permissions to run as an ASP.NET application service:
aspnet_regiis -ga WindowsAccount


Give WindowsAccount write permissions to C:\Windows\Temp

If the certificate is not in this store and you want to move it there from another location, you must export the certificate and then import it. Do not drag and drop it in the Certificates MMC UI or it won't work.