Apr 28, 2010

Sales 106 - The Crazies

From http://www.personal-growth-with-corinne-edwards.com/sales-106-the-crazies/

  • "Rule of 250" - almost everyone knows about 250 people.

  • If you offend one of the "crazies", you run the risk of their spreading the word to their 250 people.

  • The answer to dealing with crazies is to humor them. You don't want them talking about you - this would leave an imprint.

Sales 105 - Complaints

From http://www.personal-growth-with-corinne-edwards.com/sales-105-complaints/

  • These are the people who have become difficult because they think they have been wronged in some way.

  • These people are our obligation because we represent the source of their problem.

  • One of the first principles taught was to immediately express extreme sorrow for the inconvenience.

  • You are absolutely forbidden to say "Yes, but...".

  • Hear the customer out fully. Do not interrupt. Let them rant and rave until they were done. This was based on the premise that half the job was solved when they felt they were fully heard. Only murmurs of sorrow about the problem were to be interjected here and there.

Sales 104 - Appreciation

From http://www.personal-growth-with-corinne-edwards.com/sales-104-appreciation/

  • Success is all about two things - appreciation and recognition - everyone's basic needs.

  • Praise for work well done - people need it.

Sales 103 - Closing the deal

From http://www.personal-growth-with-corinne-edwards.com/sales-103-closing-the-deal/

  • involves intuition

  • Pay attention to your customer's body language. Are their arms crossed across their chest? Are they looking down or away from you? Do you feel resistance? (Yes, you can feel it) Don't even go there. It is not time. Rather ask something like "Talk to me. I seem to be on the wrong track here. Tell me more about what you are looking for. I want you to be happy."

  • "The first person to speak loses."

  • People want to be heard. No one listens to them.

  • When it is done, do not talk about it again. Do not resell it. Don't add any additional selling points.

  • There are people you cannot sell. They are lookers, "tire-kickers," or just passing time seeing what is available for their future or it is raining and they have nothing else to do.

  • Give your clients your all. Offer only what is the very best for your customers.

Apr 26, 2010

Finding Your Life Purpose

From http://www.lifeoptimizer.org/2008/09/10/finding-your-life-purpose/


  1. It gives meaning to everything you do.

  2. It directs and guides you.

  3. It motivates you.

Not easy

  1. It doesn't have a universal formula.

  2. It takes time.


  1. Don't expect instant result

    • It's a journey

  2. Identify your strengths

    • It is likely that your life purpose is related to your personal strengths.

  3. Identify your passions

    • things you do because of love and not because of external reward

  4. Identify your causes

    • Identify the causes that matter to you. Is there a condition in the world that makes you feel discontent? Is there a condition that makes you feel the urge to do something about it?

  5. Find the intersection between your strengths, passions, and causes

    • Pick a cause from your list of causes.

    • From your list of strengths, pick those that can help you improve the situation in the cause.

    • From the strengths you pick, find the ones you can work on with enthusiasm.

    • you will find a cause you deeply care about for which you can effectively do something with enthusiasm

  6. Write a personal mission statement

    • Don't worry about getting it right on the first try. Just write down what you've got and build upon it.

  7. Do something about the intersection

    • Your one-liner is your guide to finding your life purpose. It may still be broad, so you should keep refining it. The way to refine it is by working on it.

  8. Act based on the feedback to refine your personal mission statement

    • over time you will get better understanding of what exactly your life purpose is and how you should fulfill it

Vision - The First Step of Life Optimization

From http://www.lifeoptimizer.org/2006/09/14/vision-the-first-step-of-life-optimization/


  • Vision shows us the right direction to go to.

  • Vision gives us a standard to measure our progress with.

  • For a vision to have impact, it must be simple and profound. Keep your vision to ten words or less - "the one-liner": a concise statement that tells people what you do and that reflects your command of the business and your market. Examples:

    • Google: We deliver the world's information in one click.

    • Cisco: We network networks.

    • Helping as many people as possible live the fullest of life.

    • I make computer hackers miserable.

    • Helping People Achieve Good Emotional Health and Be Their Best.

    • Helping others live a stressfree, blissful life.

    • Enabling others' happiness.

    • Consultant: I help businesses and professionals increase productivity and revenue.

    • ThemBid.com (to a requester): We make businesses compete to serve you.

    • ThemBid.com (to a business): We provide targeted leads.

    • FrontPageBids.com: We help you monetize Digg traffic.

    • I teach people that THEY are in charge of their lives!

    • Approach all things with confidence.

    • Caring. Community. Commitment. Continuity.

    • To live my life to the fullest with confidence.

    • Give more than you receive.

    • Moving people to action with remarkable corporate videos.

    • Be grateful!

    • Help people appreciate great literature!

    • Put First things First.

    • Maintain resilience and passion throughout Life's Journey!

    • To express the wonderment of life through me.

    • Using language and facts to inspire, help, and heal others.

    • Controlling my destiny by controlling myself.

    • Money comes to me frequently in an abundance. Im a moneymagnet!

  • Have different one-liners in different parts of your life.

Simple Life Map

From http://www.lifeoptimizer.org/2007/02/08/examine-your-life-with-a-simple-life-map/

  • Don't waste years of your life.

  • Write down several recent years in your life.

  • Divide each year into two parts, semester 1 and 2, or any other kind of division.

  • Write the important events in each semester regarding your life, which are your "life milestones".

  • This life map enables you to get a bird-eye view of your life and how your life is doing.

    • Whether or not you have wisely used your years.

    • Where you should go next.

Sales 102 - The "Hot Button"

From http://www.personal-growth-with-corinne-edwards.com/sales-102-the-hot-button/

Customers lie because they really don't know what their motivation is. Therefore, they do not tell you what they really want and why. It is your job to find out what that is. If you engage them in friendly conversation and LISTEN carefully, they will reveal it.

This reason is called their "hot button". Your job is to uncover this hidden reason. Then, to keep pushing that button.

There is always some hidden motivation that will prompt a person to buy. You have to listen to find it.

This also applies when you are interviewing for a job. Listen to what the prospective employer is looking for and then apply your transferrable skills exactly to that.

Sales 101 - Loving the People

From http://www.personal-growth-with-corinne-edwards.com/sales-101-loving-the-people/

The key is that you have to love those people you are selling. Never count the commission in your mind. Do what is best for them if they are just buying some strings or an expensive guitar.