Apr 26, 2010

Finding Your Life Purpose

From http://www.lifeoptimizer.org/2008/09/10/finding-your-life-purpose/


  1. It gives meaning to everything you do.

  2. It directs and guides you.

  3. It motivates you.

Not easy

  1. It doesn't have a universal formula.

  2. It takes time.


  1. Don't expect instant result

    • It's a journey

  2. Identify your strengths

    • It is likely that your life purpose is related to your personal strengths.

  3. Identify your passions

    • things you do because of love and not because of external reward

  4. Identify your causes

    • Identify the causes that matter to you. Is there a condition in the world that makes you feel discontent? Is there a condition that makes you feel the urge to do something about it?

  5. Find the intersection between your strengths, passions, and causes

    • Pick a cause from your list of causes.

    • From your list of strengths, pick those that can help you improve the situation in the cause.

    • From the strengths you pick, find the ones you can work on with enthusiasm.

    • you will find a cause you deeply care about for which you can effectively do something with enthusiasm

  6. Write a personal mission statement

    • Don't worry about getting it right on the first try. Just write down what you've got and build upon it.

  7. Do something about the intersection

    • Your one-liner is your guide to finding your life purpose. It may still be broad, so you should keep refining it. The way to refine it is by working on it.

  8. Act based on the feedback to refine your personal mission statement

    • over time you will get better understanding of what exactly your life purpose is and how you should fulfill it

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