Nov 13, 2010

Presumably Unsafe Plastics

Number 3 Plastics: V (Vinyl) or PVC

3-PVC May release toxic breakdown products (including pthalates) into food and drinks. The risk is highest when containers start wearing out, are put through the dishwasher or when they are heated (including microwaved).

Number 6 Plastics: PS (polystyrene)

6-PS Can release potentially toxic breakdown products including styrene, particularly when heated! Watch for takeaway hot drinks. (See comments for more information).

Number 7 Plastics: Miscellaneous

7-Other Studies have shown polycarbonate can leach bisphenol A, a potential hormone disruptor, into liquids.

Nov 12, 2010

FCS Fin Sizes


Nov 11, 2010

Money, Oder 1x1 des Geldes by Bodo Schafer


  • All great starts from small, i.e. do important things while they are not urgent. Many people have so many urgent things that they don't have time for important ones until they become urgent too.

  • List 10 reasons why you want to have lots of money.

  • Select 3 most important reasons.

    • You must know exactly what you want.

    • You would not order "something nice" from a mail order catalogue, would you?

    • You must really want it or you'll give up with the first difficulties.

  • Read your list every day to remind yourself of your wishes and you will start to find ways of achieving them.

  • Create a "Wish Album" - photos, etc of your wishes.

    • We think with images.

  • Look at your "Wish Album" every day, visualise and wish.

    • Just wishing is not enough though.

    • What you concentrate on, develops.

    • Most people concentrate on what they don't want rather than what they do want.

    • The more you visualise, the stronger your wish will be and the stronger your need will be. You will then find and see ways to achive it.

  • Don't think how these things works - most people don't know how electricity works, but nonetheless enjoy its use.

  • Do or don't. Do not try.

    • To try is to have an excuse and be ready for failure.

  • Setup a "Wish money box" for each wish and start saving money.

    • This could be a band account, a cash box with photos on it, etc - you decide.

  • Keep a "Success Journal" - at least 5 success entries every day.

    • Helps to grow your confidence.

    • You must be confident or nothing will be started and nothing will happen.

  • Think about how to solve other people's problems.

  • Always concentrate on what you know, can and have.

  • To find something you must look.

  • Do not be limited by a single source of income.

  • Problems will arise and how you will handle them will determine what kind of person you are.

  • You must do your important things both when there are problems and when everything is good.

  • "72 hour rule" - start doing something within 72 hours, else you'll never get down to it.

  • If you cannot handle money properly, your expenses will always grow with your income.

  • "Gold egg laying goose" - capital. Save a percentage of your income to raise your capital and don't cut or kill it.

  • Money, like a magnifying glass, reveal the character of a person.

  • Formula:

    • Decide that you like money and want to have it.

    • Believe in yourself, posess ideas and do what you love.

    • Distribute money for your living expenses, your wishes and the "golden goose".

    • Wisely invest your money.

    • Be able to enjoy all this.